Avoid These 6 Heroes in Hero Wars Alliance

Discover which 6 heroes you should avoid investing in Hero Wars. Maximize your effectiveness and progress by choosing the right heroes and avoiding those who are not worth the investment in the current meta.

  • By: Alexandre Domingos. .
Illustration of Hero Wars Alliance beginners characters. - Wallpaper
Illustration of Hero Wars Alliance beginners characters.

Avoid These 6 Heroes in Hero Wars 2024: A Beginner's Guide

Hero Wars is a complex game that requires strategic thinking and careful resource management. If you're just starting out, it's crucial to invest in the right heroes to maximize your effectiveness and progress. While every hero has their place and can be effective in certain teams, some heroes are not worth the investment in the current meta due to their limited utility and synergy. This article will highlight six heroes you should avoid investing in, especially if you're a beginner. Let's dive in!

1. Kai


Kai has potential, particularly with Soleil's Halo ability, but his overall performance is lacking. Despite having some decent skills, he primarily excels in control, making him vulnerable against stronger heroes like Soleil. Kai also has limited synergy, mainly with Karkh, but even in this combination, Faceless is a superior option. Faceless offers better utility and versatility, making him a more valuable investment.

Kai is often used only in specific scenarios, such as with Karkh to attack defense, but he doesn’t perform well in many other contexts. Additionally, Andvari, a common counter to Karkh, also counters Kai, further reducing his viability. In the end game, Kai’s effectiveness diminishes compared to other heroes. If you’re choosing between Kai and Faceless, go with Faceless without hesitation.

2. Peppy


Peppy used to have decent synergy with Cleaver, but the arrival of the duo Kayla and Aidan in the Chaos faction has significantly reduced her value. Peppy lacks the sacrifice ability, which is a critical damage catalyst in the Chaos faction, particularly in synergy with Aidan and Xe’sha. As a result, Cleaver works better with other Chaos heroes, making Peppy a less attractive option.

Investing in Peppy might seem tempting due to her previous synergies, but the current meta has shifted. The new Chaos heroes outshine Peppy in terms of damage output and overall utility, so it's better to focus on heroes who can contribute more effectively to your team.

3. Fox


Fox has always been a somewhat underwhelming hero, and the arrival of Soleil has made her even less viable. She has skills that are weak against Soleil, who is very strong in the current meta. Fox was once useful against tanks, but the prevalence of shields on tanks now makes her less effective.

In the past, Fox could eliminate tanks more easily, but the game has evolved, and she struggles to keep up with the current meta. Investing in Fox is not recommended as there are more powerful and versatile heroes available that can better serve your team’s needs.

4. Thea


Thea is a healer who can be useful at the beginning of the campaign, but she quickly becomes less effective as the game progresses. Despite receiving a rework, she is still inferior to Martha. With the arrival of Soleil, Thea’s control abilities have been further diminished.

Thea’s ability to mark heroes makes her vulnerable to Iris, an excellent hero in the current meta who can quickly eliminate heroes that have mark skills. Additionally, Thea’s silence ability makes her less effective against Soleil. Investing in Thea might seem appealing early on, but it’s better to focus on more reliable healers like Martha or other versatile heroes.

5. Cornelius


Cornelius was already a weak hero before the arrival of Soleil. His primary ability causes damage proportional to enemies’ intelligence, targeting mages specifically. However, many heroes now have shields that protect them from his attacks, reducing his effectiveness.

Cornelius used to be a solid counter to mages, but with the addition of heroes like Aidan who provide shields to mage teams, his value has decreased. Most players have Aidan in their teams, making Cornelius less effective. While Cornelius can still be a useful hero, it’s better to invest in more versatile and powerful heroes that can adapt to the changing meta.

6. Jet


Jet might seem like a valuable investment due to his ability to grant critical damage to your team, but he is a premium hero that requires significant spending to maximize his potential. Unless you’re willing to invest a lot of money into the game, Jet is not worth the resources.

As a Free-to-Player or even a medium spender, focusing on Jet can drain your resources without providing substantial benefits. It’s better to invest in heroes that offer more value for your resources and can contribute effectively to your team without requiring extensive spending.


Investing in the right heroes is crucial for success in Hero Wars, especially for beginners. While every hero has their place and can be effective in certain teams, the heroes mentioned above are not worth the investment. Focusing on more versatile and powerful heroes will ensure that your resources are well-spent and that you progress efficiently in the game.

Remember, the meta in Hero Wars is constantly evolving, so always stay updated with the latest changes and adjust your strategy accordingly. By avoiding the heroes listed above and investing in more reliable options, you’ll set yourself up for success and enjoy a smoother journey through the game. Happy gaming!

Video suggestion

Video: Top 6 Heroes to Avoid in Hero Wars 2024.

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